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Experience how the FengShui Pi Xiu Ametist bracelet lives.

Pi Xiu Dragon: The powerful Feng Shui symbol of wealth

The talisman Pi Xiu, also known as Pi Yao (the small golden dog-like figure), is considered in China since ancient times as a lucky charm for the house or workplace, literally. But not only that, he is also said to prevent wealth and luck from leaving the workplace. He was very popular among businessmen and gamblers, but his power is not only to provide happiness and wealth.
Amethyst bracelet with rising dragon
Discover your destiny with Majestic FengShui Pi Xiu Ametist Bracelet
The FengShui Pi Xiu Ametist Bracelet has always been valued as a sacred talisman that possesses remarkable properties that can unlock your untapped abilities. This remarkable bracelet seamlessly combines the emblem of the dragon with the captivating amethyst gemstone, resulting in a synergistic fusion of energies that protects against negativity, attracts favorable circumstances, and bestows abundance and prosperity upon its wearer.
Protective and calming properties
Das Fivfivgo™ FengShui Pi Xiu Ametisten-Armband basiert auf uralten östlichen Lehren und besitzt defensive Eigenschaften, die Sie vor ungünstigen Energien und Unglück bewahren können. Empirische Untersuchungen haben ergeben, dass das Anlegen des Armbands die Gehirnwellenmuster stabilisieren kann, was zu einem ruhigen Geisteszustand führt, der positive Energie und günstige Ergebnisse anzieht.
Verbessern Sie Ihren Wohlstand und Ihr Wohlbefinden


The FengShui Pi Xiu Ametist Bracelet acts as an energy catalyst, harmonizing its energy with that of the cosmos, thereby enhancing its effect on your financial prosperity and physical well-being. Known for its ability to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness, amethyst helps the wearer delve into these realms and gain a deep understanding of their innermost thoughts and aspirations.

Happiness and Prosperity Bracelet



The FengShui Pi Xiu Amethyst Bracelet acts as an energy catalyst, harmonizing its energy with that of the cosmos, thereby enhancing its effect on your financial prosperity and physical well-being. Amethyst is known to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness.

It helps the wearer to delve into these realms and gain a deep understanding of their innermost thoughts and aspirations.


The FengShui Pi Xiu Amethyst Bracelet acts as an energy catalyst, harmonizing its energy with that of the cosmos, thereby enhancing its effect on your financial prosperity and physical well-being. Amethyst is known to enhance intuition and spiritual awareness. It helps the wearer to delve into these areas and gain a deep understanding of their innermost thoughts and aspirations.
So, in layman’s terms, the touted benefits of the FengShui Pi Xiu Ametist Bracelet are as follows:
✔Powerful metaphysical properties that can protect you from negativity.
✔ Creates good feng shui.
✔ Repels negative energy, evil and obstacles in your life.
✔ Helps with inner conflicts, such as anxiety, stress, and repressed trauma.
The Amethyst Gemstone: Illuminating Intuition & Transcendent Spirituality
The Feng Shui benefits of the bracelet include the following in particular:
✔ Attraction of wealth
✔ Promoting good luck and family happiness
✔ Provides protection and security
✔ Ward off evil spirits and mischief
✔ Brings luck in gambling
✔ Protects the house and repels negative energies
✔ Beneficial for general health.
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